July 04, 2017

From Split to Vancouver

Name of this blog is becoming more and more obsolete. No drama, no sudden change of heart, no tears shed...just more or less painless transition from one place to another. Sun is out for last month and a half, not too hot during the day, not above 20 degrees during the night. The idea of summer paradise for my heat hating body. First couple of months I had a cautious approach to my ideas and wishes. Now, after 9 months in Vancouver I can say that I found my place to live. Maybe do some winters up in the far north or something similar with a dose of personal challenge (there is only one True North, sorry Jon Snow!), but in general Vancouver is a place I'm staying for (much) longer. Honeymoon phase is just getting better and better :)
Spring sunrise over English Bay


This is a blog about a journey of searching a better life (whatever the hell that means) or hit the floor in the process. First and foremost its purpose will be to capture the world through my own eyes and try to be as sincere as possible to myself.

In the meantime I hope it will help some people who find themselves in the similar situation to make more informed and rational decisions. Same as many blogs and forum posts helped me to get my courage up and move from the life of certainty.

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